SWC를 역사적으로 나열하면 super wide c. 초기형. 후기형. swc/m. 903swc. 905swc
초기에는 무코팅
Hasselblad Super Wide C
1954-1958 SWA & SW Leaf "Superwide Angle": fixed Carl Zeiss Biogon f/4.5 38 mm wide angle lens. SW: 1956 slightly changed lens barrel construction.
1959-1979 SWC Leaf With silver C lens, from 1969 with black C lens, from 1973 with T*
1980-1988 SWC/M Leaf Successor to the SWC. Ability to attach a polaroid back. From 1982 with CF lens. From 1985 onwards: spirit level in new style finder, removed from body.
1988-2001 903 SWC Leaf Successor to the SWC/M. New Palpas coating in the body to reduce flare.
2001-2006 905 SWC Leaf Successor to the 903 SWC. The Biogon had to be recalculated for new environmentally friendly lens materials. Now comes as a CFi lens.
selfportrait swc